Monday Night Cornhole League
Monday Night Cornhole League - Featuring Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter Seasons
* Max of 4 players on a roster
* Matches are played every Monday night
* 8 Week season
* The top 50% of the teams compete in a single elimination playoff tournament
* Bring your own beer league (No hard liquor)
* Under 18 NOT ALLOWED
* Summer season is played indoors in an air conditioned gym
MNCL Merchandise
Available now
MNCL - Frequently Asked Questions
How long are the cornhole seasons? - All seasons run once a week for 8 weeks followed by a 1-night single elimination tournament for the top 50% of teams.
How much does it cost? - Our current fee is $250 per team per season.
Can we bring our own bags? - Yes. Our teams repeatedly requested to use their own bags so in May of 21' we began allowing teams to do so. If you do not have bags you can use ours.
What are the prizes? - Cash prizes for first place teams as well as free entry into the following the season. Second place teams receive free entry into the following season.
What is your refund policy? - Full refund if you cancel prior to the program starting. There are no refunds if you cancel after it begins.